Updating Nokia E72 phone software

I just bought a Nokia E72, and like most of the people, when I came to know that the firmware has updates, I tried updating the phone software. As given in the manual, I tried installing Nokia PC suite which asked me to install Nokia Software updater in order to update the phone software from PC.

Great presentation style of Steve Jobs

If you have watched Apple CEO Steve Jobs presenting Apple’s new products. Then chances are you have noted the enthusiasm and energy he brings on the stage. He talks about every small feature like it is the greatest thing in this world. The crisp, well compiled and well presented key notes of the Apple product...

The hype around Apple Tablet

In few hours, Apple is going to release there much awaited touch screen tablet PC in few hours from now, if the hype to be believed. I am regular follower of techcrunch.com and zdnet.com and since last many days everyone is talking and discussing about this event. They are so excited that everyone is sharing...

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