Just now I was going through the jobs posted on oDesk website and was very much surprised to see that many of the buyers have specifically mentioned that they do not want to work with Indian developers. It came as a surprise to me, as I was thinking that we are among the best minds in the world.

Some of us are deteriorating our own image with the quality of work and service. And this is hurting all of us in equal proportion.

This is very sad and should be avoided. The main reason for what i understand that freelancing is not a profession here in India. People does freelance work when they do not have full time job. It is not their chosen mode of work but forced. It is like passing time for few extra bucks.

They charge very less for getting the work awarded and then fail to deliver with quality and on time. This affects the image of whole community.

Some of the persons working as freelancer even does not work themselves they just work as a mediator and pass on the work to some one else. This creates un-necessary communication gaps, delays and again affects the deadlines and quality of work.

I would request the freelancer community to be serious in their jobs, stop cheating clients, charge the amount which is fair and deliver the job on time with interest and dedication. Otherwise we all have to face this restriction and that will not be good for all of us.