Recently I need to upgrade one Joomla 1.0.x installation to the new installation. If you are also dealing with Joomla 1.0 installation to upgrade or maintain and missed the password for admin user.  This can also be useful if you need to add new admin user, without disturbing the old user records. Then here are the simple steps to reset the same. It took me some time to find the correct hard way to do it.

To just reset the password and user name to admin, execute the following query in the phpMyAdmin or MySql command prompt:

UPDATE `jos_users` SET `password` = MD5( ‘<new_password>’ ) WHERE `jos_users`.`username` = “admin” ;

Do remember to change the table prefix and username to whatever you have in your database. This is quiet easy. But if need to add a completely  new user to database without admin access then following steps will help you –

1. First create a new user record in users table. You can use the insert method of the phpMyAdmin when jos_users table is open. Input following values:

Name: admin
Username: admin
Password: af9083d4b82dbc0745b124db3b3cf15d:M0WuLowO4rtRTddG
User Type: Super Administrator

Then click on Go. This will set the user name and password to “admin”.  Note the new Id assigned to the user, you will need that in next step.

2. Now add a record in the ACL for new user, created above. Open the “jos_core_acl_aro” table and insert a new record:

Section Value: users
Value: <Generated id of the new user in previous step>
Order Value: 0
Name: admin

Click on Go button to save the data. Note the ID of new inserted record, this will be needed in next step.

3. Map the new ACL record to group. Open “jos_core_acl_groups_aro_map” table and insert a new record:

Group ID: 25
ARO ID: <New generated ID from previous step>

Click on Go to save the record. That’s it.

Now you should be able to log-in to administration panel by entering User name: admin and Password: admin.