Today, the usage of mobile is increasing day by day and most of the users are preferring mobile device over desktop. Therefore it is almost necessary to check how a web page looks on a mobile device and make adjustments using the mobile specific CSS. But it is not every time possible to have all different mobile devices handy to test. Here comes the mobile device emulators for help.

You can use following FREE web tools to test your web page, without installing any software on your PC. Hence these will work on Windows, MAC or Linux.

1. MobilePhoneEmulator – Here you can select your device and different parameters, including the screen orientation.

2. Opera Mini Simulator – As one of the most favored browser for mobile devices, it is very much possible that most of your users are visiting your website using this fast browser. So it is very useful to check your web page to work correctly in this browser.

3. iPhone Tester – This is only for iPhone browser. Remember to run this page in a Safari browser so that the rendering is same as you see in iPhone.

4. Opera Mobile Emulator – This is a downloadable desktop application, you can use to test your pages on Opera mobile. The download size for windows is approx 13MB.

Let me know in comments if you are using or know some other great tools for this purpose. Happy Coding!!!