October 6, 2011 | Quick Fixes, Web Development
With the advent of modern browsers, web pages are using more and more javascript and stylesheets to make applications work faster and look better. And this is achieved with caching the Javascript, ima...September 20, 2011 | Blog, Quick Fixes, Web Development
When developing Ajax applications on local machine you may face this error on almost all browsers that cross referring a link from other domain is not allowed. This is mentioned as the “Access-C...September 2, 2011 | Linux Admin
If you need to use PEAR library functions in your web applications. Sometimes you may need to set the path to pear files for your domain so that the PEAR library files/classes are accessible to your P...August 15, 2011 | Quick Fixes
It is very easy to show UTF characters in a FPDF generated PDF file. Just use the following conversion function and it will work. Assume you have initialized the FPDF class to $pdf variable and you wa...July 15, 2011 | Quick Fixes
If you ever need to export your wordpress blog to Google Blogger, then you can use a great tool for this I just found – Convert WordPress Export to Blogger. Follow below steps: Export your wordp...July 4, 2011 | Linux Admin, Quick Fixes
Today, I was analysing a website for performance improvements using the Page Speed tool by Google. One interesting thing I found out that it was recommending to enable the KeepAlive feature of Apache ...May 14, 2011 | Quick Fixes
This is not everyday that you need a Javascript function to convert the date and time string to UNIX timestamp. But if you do need this like me, then here it is: function covertToUnixTime(yourDate) { ...February 7, 2011 | Testimonials
Its a real pleasure to get to write this review.. Truth is we kept adding and adding and adding to this project and Rajendra should have gotten 3 or 4 of these reviews by now. I can say with 100% hone...December 25, 2010 | Linux Admin
Download the latest Skype rpm from the Skype website, current version is skype beta 2.1.x. There are some prerequisites which need to be installed for Skype to work on Fedora 14. They are as below : y...December 24, 2010 | Linux Admin
First change to root user:sudo -i
Install xterm:
yum install xterm
Install Fedora 32 bit dependencies:...