November 23, 2010 | Testimonials
It was great working together. The Responsiveness and Professionalism are super and above all expectations. I hope to work together again....November 16, 2010 | Quick Fixes, Web Development
When working on PHP and MySql development we rarely get a chance to install the application on Windows IIS server. And today I was asked to do the same. The first issue was related with mod_rewrite wh...November 12, 2010 | Testimonials
Thank you Rajendra. It is always a pleasure to work with you, and your high level of service is very much appreciated....October 27, 2010 | Quick Fixes
When you try to push to a GIT Repository and you get this message that mean’s that someone else has changed the repo after your last fetch. In this case you have to incorporate their changes bef...October 13, 2010 | Quick Fixes
I am using CakePHP since last 5 years, and am quite used to of “AjaxHelper” for developing Ajax features using CakePHP. But from version 1.3 CakePHP has started deprecating the “Ajax...October 11, 2010 | Testimonials
Excellent to work with again. Thanks for all of the help!...September 2, 2010 | Linux Admin
Since I have started developing web applications, it was my dream to migrate to Linux OS some day. But due to the lack of knowledge and to avoid the pain of configuring and installing everything, I av...July 25, 2010 | Quick Fixes, Web Development
When you need to take a backup of a large MySql database, then “mysqldump” command come most handy and does the task in few seconds. But for that we need to access the web server or databa...June 3, 2010 | Quick Fixes
Usually when you save file as CSV file the fields are separated by ","; but sometimes this causes problems in field separation if the content also contains comma. ...May 23, 2010 | Blog, Quick Fixes
I just bought a Nokia E72, and like most of the people, when I came to know that the firmware has updates, I tried updating the phone software. As given in the manual, I tried installing Nokia PC suit...