Usually when you save file as CSV file the fields are separated by ","; but sometimes this causes problems in field separation if the content also contains comma.
Category: Quick Fixes
Updating Nokia E72 phone software
I just bought a Nokia E72, and like most of the people, when I came to know that the firmware has updates, I tried updating the phone software. As given in the manual, I tried installing Nokia PC suite which asked me to install Nokia Software updater in order to update the phone software from PC.
Issue of wierd characters in a dynamic PHP web page
When using special characters in UTF-8 character encoding, sometimes when you read something from mysql database then it is not displayed properly on the web page. Many of you like me may try to change the character encoding of the HTML page to ISO-8859-1, that may work sometimes but this is not the proper solution...
Outlook error – Cannot start Microsoft outlook, Cannot open the outlook window.
I just faced this error message and the easy fix was to run following command: